Shreelekha Shinde

Nov 5, 20233 min

Overcoming Writer's Block: Tips to Reignite Your Creativity

There comes a time in every writer's life wherein the author has a tough time reading, writing or doing things that he/she/they like. Whether it is a

bout of demotivation or just ultimate boredom, this has happened to me a few times during my time as a writer.

For example; as of now I am in a horrid slump. Sometimes, it's really hard for me to pick up a pen and write anything, even read. Be it an essay or a whole entire blog. Procrastination hits me like a brick. These are, as I've noticed signs of a burn-out. However, when inspiration strikes, you won't see me hovering around. I'll be sitting on my bed, scribbling away. ( As I am writing this, it's safe to say I'm pretty inspired! )

Periods of time like these come and go, all throughout a singular year. So, as a result, I've come across a few tips on how to beat a slump out of your life and resume your regular routine!

1) WRITE. No matter what you're writing about or writing for. WRITE. Personally, I like to write something that's well inside my comfort zone and something that will remind me of the beautiful thing that writing is. Remember to brew a hot cup of chai while writing, it makes all the difference!

2) Think of writing as more of a fun little thing than an actual task. Why? Well, trust me, when you think of it in that sort of way, it makes putting ink on paper much more interesting than it already is!

3) When it comes to reading, expand your range of books! For me personally, I think reading books in different languages such as Hindi, Marathi, French gives me new perspectives on both writing and reading! Plus, sometimes things said or written in your native tongue are so much more poetic and lush than things written in anglais. Translations, too, work like a charm!

4) Instead of reading, listen to audiobooks! Audiobooks definitely do not give the same pleasure that paperbacks do but, when your eyes can't take in a single sentence, it is your ears who have to most of the work while listening to an audiobook.

I'm sure that you'll be thinking in your mind 'Well, all of this is easier said than done.' and that's an absolutely valid point. The habits mentioned above are super hard to get into (I'm saying this from first hand experience).

Hence, it is quite acceptable to be a tiny bit apprehensive before withdrawing yourself from any slump. So, when in doubt try to think on the brighter side of your worries. Anyways, isn't worrying about something just a sign of how much you care for it?

To conclude, the one thing I'm sure of is that writing defines who I am. It is a part of my personality just as reading is. What I'm also sure of is that I would never willingly give up writing and reading without a fight. This just goes to show that your hobbies and your interests are worth fighting for. In the end, they really matter and they are what keep you soul alive!

Overcoming Writer's Block: 101!

Blogger Enthusiast: Shreelekha Shinde

Introducing Shreelekha Shinde, a Blogger Enthusiast under the enchanting banner of RidhzWorld Publishing. At just eighth-grade, Shreelekha embraces the precious gift of literacy, revelling in the power of reading and writing.


Embarking on a thrilling journey into the blogosphere, Shreelekha has partnered with RidhzWorld Publications to offer readers a captivating glimpse into her unique perspective on life, her literary preferences, and her talent for imaginative storytelling.